Saturday, October 22, 2011

P is for pumpkins

One of the best parts about parenthood is reliving all my childhood memories and sharing them with my kids. Therefore, its especially exciting around the holidays. This week happens to be the week before Halloween. I chose the letter P so we could focus on all activities pumpkin. Whenever a new letter is introduced we always start by going on a scavenger hunt for things that start with that letter. This week was no different. I write down all the objects on a big blackboard. Then I instruct C how to write the letter and practice on our chalk board or paper.

This week we had a block letter P and C glued his favorite snack (popcorn) onto it.

For math skills he placed halloween candy (he'd already eaten most of the pumpkins so I had to improvise with other candy corns) to match with the numbers from 1-6.

Both kids LOVED painting mini pumpkins with white glue and sprinkling glitter on them. C chose blue, as it's his favorite color and D chose green. The pumpkins turned out gorgeous!

C thinks it is super fun to point to the new letter he is learning on the street signs as we are driving which was a good thing this week since we spent quite a bit of time in the car going on outings. We went to the pumpkin patch with our friends from my mom's group and had a party for his friend who was turning three. I try to emphasize that all of these things start with P! I probably drive my little guy crazy, but I think he likes finding new words that start with our letter.

We also attended a Halloween play (designed specifically for children ages 2-10). C loved the interactive nature, despite covering his face with his shirt when he got shy. Then we had a picnic at a park nearby and played.

I drew pumpkins and laminated them. I gave C markers and told him stories about his pumpkins (which he named after characters from the movie CARS). The stories were typical situations that occur for children including playing at the park with friends, friends not sharing their toys, etc and had him draw the face on the pumpkins that would match how they might be feeling in each situation. C loved this activity and since they were laminated we could erase them and start a new story as many times as we wanted.

Other ideas for the letter P
Animals: porcupine, puppy, penguins
Colors: purple and pink
Foods: Popsicles, peanut butter, pineapple, popcorn, pasta
Art: play doh, pasta necklaces, painting, paper plate pumpkin shakers